Academic Support Writing Classes
District Writers' Academy’s academic writing classes are designed using an interactive, workshop-style format with a small enrollment (6-8 students). The approach is participatory with lots of hands-on exercises, games, and writing time to learn and practice skills. It reaches students who have sometimes been left behind in traditional classrooms and who learn in different ways--visual learners, auditory learners, those with ADHD.
Our courses also don't just teach kids WHAT to write. We teach them HOW to write--how to navigate the (sometimes difficult) process of writing, As writers ourselves, we know how hard writing can be and offer them pragmatic strategies to overcome writers' block, perfectionism, confusion--things every writer deals with. No more tears, drama, avoidance!
Because we encourage students to take risks, our classes do not assign grades. We do, however, provide abundant guidance and feedback to encourage and support progress.
Our students generally start seeing classroom grades improve within weeks and often feel confident enough to pursue their writing independently within 6-12 months. Our job is to teach ourselves out of a job!
Unless otherwise noted, all of our academic workshops are offered at the Jr. (7th-9th grade) or the Sr. (10th-12th grade) level. Please contact us if you have questions about the appropriate placement for your child.
Features of our Academic Writing Classes
- Small size--maximum enrollment of six or eight
- Interactive methodology
- Lots of hands-on writing time
- Non-graded, with copious feedback
- Instruction in writing process (how to write effectively and efficiently)
- Basic and more advanced writing and language arts training
- Custom-design a course for your student(s)
We can custom-design and custom-schedule any of our classes for specific students. Please contact us if you would like to discuss this possibility.

Fundamentals of Academic Writing (Sr Level)
Classroom Hours: 15
Price: $520 (Includes course handbook)
Session I: Monday Dec 26-Friday Dec 30, 2-5 p.m. (December Break)
Finish the academic year strong with this winter-break workshop, which teaches the basic skills for writing an academic essay (prewriting, thesis statements, organization, specificity, paragraph development, research, transitions). Our interactive, workshop-style method creates a fun and safe space for teens to improve their writing in a small group setting (limited to six students). All students receive a comprehensive course handbook with resources they can use well after the course ends.
Enrollment for this course is capped at 6 students per session.
This course is designed for high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
Course meets virtually, on Zoom.

College Essay for the Win
Classroom Hours: 6
Price: $240
Session I– Fall Break Session: October 8-10, Sat/Sun/Mon; 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
Session II– Tuesdays October 11, 18 & 25, 5-7 pm.

Brainstorm Your College Essay
Classroom Hours: 1
Price: $30
Session I– Wednesday, October 5, 5-6 p.m.
Session II-Thursday October 6, 6-7 p.m.
This one-hour workshop will introduce students to the college Common App essay questions, provide successful essay models, and give students specific writing prompts for identifying their own unique topic, as well as a chance to experiment and test drive a few topics. Students will leave the workshop with at least one good topic to explore and will receive a free takeaway packet with prompts, examples, and our own home-grown tips and resources for writing the essay. We all know starting is the hardest part, so that’s what this workshop is designed to do—break the ice. Please note: Although most of our writing classes are capped at 6 students, this class will accommodate up to 12, as it is a fast-paced workshop that benefits from more energy and input.
Enrollment for this course is capped at 12 students per session.

Creative Writing Sr. Level
Classroom Hours: 6
Price: $240
Session I– Wednesdays October 12 -November 16 (Six weeks) 5-6 p.m.

Learn to Love Writing (Or at Least Not Hate It)
Classroom hours: 3
Price: $125
Session I (Sr. Level)— Nov 14, 21, 28, 5-6 p.m.
Session II (Sr. Level)—Thanksgiving Break Session: Nov 25-27, Fri/Sat/Sun, 4-5 p.m.
If you have a student who is resistant to writing, this workshop-style class will coach them through the writing process and help them move beyond writer’s block. We will demystify how good writing actually happens (Hint: contrary to popular opinion, it is not heavenly inspired!), teach them the three phases of writing, and provide students with practical tools, strategies and resources to support their writing in a fun, encouraging environment. Students will learn to write more efficiently and effectively. Maybe, just maybe, they will learn to like it too!
Enrollment for this course is capped at 6 students per session.

Grammar Groundwork
Classroom Hours: 5
Price: $190
Session I– Mondays Nov 7-Dec 5 (Five Weeks) – 4-5 p.m.
A short course for students who need a grammar refresher. Along with addressing basic sentence structure, common usage, and common sentence errors, we also introduce students to more advanced elements of punctuation and grammar. Not to brag, but our way of teaching grammar is both fun AND fundamental.
Enrollment for this course is capped at 6 students per session.

Step Up Your Writing Game
Senior level only (grades 10-12)
Classroom Hours: 6
Price: $180
An advanced writing course for solid writers who want to transform their “B” game into an “A” game, this class teaches a more sophisticated understanding of prose style and rhetoric with exercises on vocabulary, word choice, sentence style and syntax. Students will leave the class knowing how to write more vividly, efficiently and memorably.

Research Skills
Classroom Hours: 5
Price: $150 (including course packet)
Using a fun topic of the student’s interest, we break down in a methodical way the steps of composing a research paper: identifying sources, distinguishing between quoting vs. paraphrasing, proper citation, and elegantly incorporated research. Students emerge with a two-three-page research paper on a topic of their choice.

Analyze This!
Senior level only (grade 10-12)
Classroom Hours: 10
Price: $300 (including course packet)
English papers can be a real bugaboo for some students; the skill of literary analysis and reading texts can seem elusive. This course demystifies literary analysis and breaks down in practical steps how to read and write about literature. We’ll cover how to distinguish analysis from summary, develop close readings of texts, structure literary arguments, and how to write paragraphs and sentences that focus on analysis.